About Adam Hiscocks

My name is Adam Hiscocks, and I’m a Christian, IT Security consultant and all around geek.

Avatar of Adam HiscocksSince 2011 I’ve worked as a security consultant for one of the UK’s leading IT security consultancies; conducting penetration tests for a range of customers in various industries. My qualifications include CREST Certified Web Application Tester; as well as a BSc in Ethical Hacking from Abertay University. You can find out more about this in my LinkedIn profile. You can also connect with me on Twitter.

When I’m not working, I spend a fair bit of my time playing around in my home lab environment, and created this blog to document some of the things I’ve found during my tinkering; or other things that I thought were worth sharing that aren’t documented that well elsewhere.

To help get you started, the first posts I wrote for this blog were building a self-patching WordPress installation with cron and automated Linux patching with cron.
I’m expecting to update this blog intermittently, as I might not find anything worth writing about for a while; and working away from home can make playing around with my home lab tricky (patchy 4G and hotel WiFi can make VPN connections tricky).

When I’m not playing with computers (for money or otherwise), I enjoy meeting up with my church and friends from work; as well as spending time with my wonderful nephew and niece. Besides computers, I’m a train geek, so also enjoy spending time riding on trains and photographing them; or working out the best way to find cheap train fares (pro-tip: don’t use TheTrainline).